Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Project

Last year, I told myself I'd go skydiving for my 25th birthday.

As I reflected on this past year and all the cool things I'd done like skydiving, getting my first belt in krav maga and camping out at Bonnaroo, I wanted to a goal to celebrate my 26th birthday.

I'd debated coming up with a theme of birthday celebrations - maybe doing things that perpetuated the alphabet or more daredevil activities.

Then I realized the stuff I was most proud of were the things I was surprised I had the guts or gumption to do.

And as someone who's struggled with her weight all her life (um, hello, first diet in third grade!) I think that it's time I stop looking at this issue as some mystifying process and keep with the theme of de-cluttering my life and taking the initiative to get what I want.

The basic plan is to lose 20 pounds by my 26th birthday (May 28). There are some subplots in here, too, like running a half marathon and recommitting to a regular yoga practice. More to come on those.

So here goes, y'all!

1 comment:

  1.'s your OLD yoga teacher weighing with a yogic point of view: Your thinking mind identifies problems that need to be resolved through force of will ("lose 20 lbs."); your CORE TRUTH recognizes areas of unrealized potential, or visions, that are meant to be reality. A vision represents the truth of who you are and what you are meant to create (health, balance, energy). It is, by its very nature, so inspiring that it practically calls itself into existence. Maybe your core truth doesn't recognize a number on a scale. I'll bet it DOES recognize the vision of being healthy and properly nourished. Balanced! Try to shift from resolving and move into envisioning. Create your own reality! Imagine yourself already living the vision you create for yourself. Happy! Healthy! Energetic! Balanced in every regard. Make a list of the actions that will bring you to this healthy middle path. View each item as a stepping stone towards your vision. Sometimes your foot might slip off the stone. The cold waters of AWARENESS will put your foot back on the path. Best of luck to you! I struggled with my weight for years before I finally "got" the yoga philosophy. It all boils to down choice. Don't "should" on yourself. Life is an illusion....create your own!!! Love you and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now get your butt back to class....hee hee "Grammie" aka Laraine
